
This website features a unique and recognizable design. Some key elements are described here.

Principles uses a few main principles which form the core website identity. These are kept in mind when designing a component or a page.


I'm open as to what I use to build my website and write articles, what frameworks I use and what I'm inspired by. I make sure to credit the original authors when possible, if I feature their content or if I use it as inspiration.


Elements should take a friendly, personal approach. The content lets visitors and potential clients get to know me better, and to find out how I work.


Interactions on this website should feel second nature, and while a component may seem simple at first, continued interaction reveals subtleties that appear natural to the user. Elements such as imagery and animations should complement, not distract the visitor.

The vocabulary used is easy to understand, it caters to anyone, from beginners and experts.


Elements should find their equivalent in the physical world, making the website a metaphor for the real world.